Weight Loss Tips

The bulky and heavy figures didn’t attract the others. Particularly in a party nobody look at you. Whereas the ladies who become matured keep themselves slim and straight looks charming. Everybody wants to say ‘hello’ to them and shakes hand with them warmly and wholeheartedly. Here some weight loses tips you could follow and make yourself slim.
1. You have to decrease your calories. Remember that junk food and proteins raise your cholesterol and fats of your body. To avoid this you take fruits and vegetables in your meals. The vegetables provide you fiber. Fibers are in-digestive and come out of the body as-it-is, so add nothing to your body. Hence fat free meals will make you slim and smart.
2. Eat breakfast with cereal, which provides you nutrition and digest easily. Eating breakfast means eating less in the noon. The process will balance your calories and feel you ‘full’, give you a satisfaction. In this way prevent you to rush towards the junk food.
3. Divide your food in five portions, with suitable intervals. Ensure yourself that dry fruits, fresh fruits and fiber are in your plate. The use of oranges, apple and milk (without cream) will make good and balance your diet. Keep away the butter and margarine and fry foods.
4. Take care of you portions of food. It should be estimated that how much you have to put in your plate. The measurement should be through fist. A full fist is equal to half a cup of rice or seeds. Lean meat and low dairy products should be one fourth and three fourth should be beans, full grains and vegetables. Boiled vegetables are more useful.
5. If you want to overcome the carving, take a glass of water, it will give a feeling of fullness.  At least 10 glass of water in a day is must, as prescribed by the doctors.
6. From time to time carvings disturb you and make problem, so take cookies. The one time skipping of meal will do well.
7. Eat slowly and chew more, in this way you will eat less and get a feeling of fullness. You may overcome your appetite easily.
8. The citrus fruits reduces your calories and make a good digestion, so eat them more and at least reduce hundred calories a day. Add salad in your eating, which will increase the fiber. Remember fiber adds nothing to your body.
9. Avoid processed food, resulting less amount of calories and cholesterol as well. The controlling of cholesterol is necessary for health.
10. Make your food tasty and delicious by changing it frequently. Reducing of calories and cholesterol didn’t mean that you take rough and tough food.
11. You may try herbal supplements to reduce your calories.
12. When you take a seat in any restaurant order for soup, salad, grilled chicken and olive oil. It will fill your stomach and reduce your calories.
13. The delicious food with sugar leads to over eating, so eat spicy foods.
14. Eating on every occasion is not necessary, but you should wait on your meal times, so that you can balance your calories.
15. The alcohol increases your appetite and decreases your willpower on eating at particular times, so limit your alcohol intake, it may be kept for special occasions.


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