Walking Makes A Body Great

What is the main single flaw that makes your body less than idea? Most of us would answer “body fat.”
And as research has shown, regular exercise can reduce body fat. You can’t target a specific area of your body to spot reduce. But as you continue to exercise, the firming and toning of underlying muscle makes those specific areas look better proportionate.
And it turns out research shows that walkers are a step ahead of many other exercisers in the fat blasting department. A recent study at the exercise physiology labs found that treadmill walking burn more body fat than rowing or stationary cycling.
So walking is a great for fighter, if you stick with it. Studies show that the rate of fat burning increases for all types of exercise, after the first 20 minutes. That means that for fat loss, a one-hour walk is better than three 20 minutes walk. The average walker burns about 200 calories on a brisk 20 minute walk, and 50 % of these calories come from fat. Beyond those first 20 minutes, the percentage of fat calories burned escalates to 70.
Once you have four or five 45 minutes to hour-long walks worked into your weekly schedule, how else can you use walking to improve your look?
Maintaining good posture can make a big difference in how you use muscles. As your shoulder and spine straighten, your tummy flattens and your bottom sides under your torso. You also allow your body to work with gravity, not against it, so you don’t tire as easily and you are less susceptible to upper or lower-back strain or neck pain. When you walk tall, you are straighten the muscles in your abdomen, back and buttocks, too, which will enhance toned-up look.
While you are walking, place your thumb on the bottom of your breastbone and your little finger on your navel. Now lean slightly forward to bring your breastbone and navel one-quarter to one-half closer, keeping your head erect and spine straight.
The slight repositioning of your breastbone changes your body’s center of gravity, aligning your upper body squarely over your pelvis and tilting your body slightly forward, so you don’t ask your lower back too much.
Health walking has several advantages over regular walking when it comes to tightening your tummy buttocks or upper arms, when you strengthen your legs as you plant your heel, you use more muscles than when you run.
This takes the same effect but you get usage of additional muscles. The result is more toning of the affected muscles.
To shape your calf muscles, we suggests learning to push off with the balls of your feet, because you end up working your calf muscles that way.
And if you pump your arms like a sprinter, bending your arms at the elbow and swinging them forward aggressively you can tone your upper arms and back muscles.


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