The Dark Side Of Margarine

What was not realized until now is that the margarine we spread on our whole meal toast every morning may is as harmful as the butter we have been foregoing.
Research suggests that a type of fat in margarine, known as trans fats poses as much risk to our hearts as saturated fat. They can also increase the risk of heart disease. This research, which charted that those whose diet was high in trans fats were 50 per cent more likely to develop cardiovascular disease. The main culprits in the diets were margarine, which made them more prone to heart problems irrespective of other factors, we now recognize that trans facts are equivalent to saturates in the way they act on the heart, margarines has now reduced the trans fat content of some types of flora.
Until now, nutritionists have focused on two types of fat: saturated and un-saturated. Saturated are widely used by manufacturers because they are more stable, don’t go rancid as easily as liquid fatsuixcgh[7  bnkl; and can be reheated again and again for deep-fat frying.
Saturated fats raise total blood cholesterol and polyunsaturates and monounsaturated fats can help to lower it. But this rule doesn’t always apply. Some saturates are not cholesterol raisers: static acid is significantly less potent than the type of saturates found in cheese, double cream and full-fat milk. And some polyunsaturates are not as benign as others: omega 3 polyunsaturates are beneficial to our hearts.
Now trans fats add yet another complication they do not occur naturally in significant quantities in any food, but are present in margarine as a result of hydrogenation, the chemical process used to harden vegetable oils. Trans as saturated fats increase our low-density lipoprotein cholesterol.
According to another estimate, if your intake of trans fats is more than 10g per day you’re totally undoing all the benefits you’ve gained by cutting the saturates in your diets.
Cut down of trans fats
The main sources of trans fats in the British diet are margarine, chips, biscuits and cakes. But they do also pop up in some unsuspected places like corn chips and most commercially fried foods.
And they also appear in large quantities in pies and milk, cheese and egg products, and in small amounts in ice cream, sweets and puddings.
The simplest way to make use of this new information is to cut the total fat content in your diet so you will automatically be cutting all types of harmful fat. Here are some simple suggestions for you.
Cut margarine & butter to a minimum by not using it in sandwiches, serve up hunks of bread that can be eaten dry with meals.
Choose semi-skimmed or skimmed milk take full-fat cheese; curd cheese instead of cream cheese.
As margarines are a major culprit for trans fat in our diets, it’s wise to switch to brands that are trans free.
Alternatively, select a margarine spread that is very low in fat. Just by switching your brand of margarine from a reduced fat spread to a very low-fat spread, you can slash this single source of fat in your diet by a staggering two-thirds! Daily fat quota and all the saturated food in one go.


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