Nicotine Gum For Tobacco Preventions

Nicotine gum is the first widely available product containing nicotine in a tobacco-free form. Nicotine contains an ordinary chewing-gum base, but in addition contains nicotine bound to an ion-exchange resin.
As the result of the physical action of chewing molecules of nicotine are gradually dislodged from the resin.
The nicotine is then absorbed into the bloodstream through the membranes that line the inside of the mouth. The gum also contains a buffer, which maintains and acidity level that ensure the nicotine will be absorbed by the body as a steady rate.
The gum significantly decreases the severity of such withdrawal symptoms as irritability, anger, frustration, restlessness, impatience, sleepiness and increased appetite. A number of studies also suggest that the gum can significantly reduce, through if does not completely eliminate, carving for cigarettes.
One ex-smoker who used nicotine gum as an aid in quitting put it this way. The potential user should realize up front that   chewing the gum is not the same as having a cigarette. When you light up, you get that nice feeling of satisfaction right away. With the gum it takes longer, and it’s less intense. Using the gun doesn’t make you stop wanting a cigarette. It just makes it somewhat more bearable not to have one.
Thus it is of great importance that smokers planning to the nicotine gum realize that they must adopt as many other ways of dealing as they can. Studies have shown that smokers who do use the gum are more likely to succeed gum in quitting if, in addition, psychological, they had a great deal of behavioral, psychological environmental and social support.
Researchers who have studied the gum and smoker who have used it warm smoker starting out with nicorette that they should expect to experience some initial resistance. The first few time you try it. You may find the taste disagreeable. To use the gum successfully you must go through a period getting used to it, much as you went through a   period of getting used to cigarettes when   you first started smoking.
The first few times you try it, the gum may have a strong metallic taste. You may find that it burns your mouth .But don’t give up. Both researchers and successful quitters strongly recommend
That you stay with it. As the days go try and you become more adept at using it.
The gum will become less and less bothersome and more and more satisfying.
Study the instructions that come with your prescriptions thoroughly before beginning use of the gum.
Women should take precautions to avoid pregnancy while using the nicotine gum.
If you suspect you have become pregnant, discontinue use immediately and consult   your physician.
Nicorette gum is stickier than some other kinds of gum and may stick to or damage
Dental work or pull out fillings. People with dentures, bridge, braces or other extensive dental work should check with their dentist before using the gum.
Recent studies ex-smokers who have switched nicotine gum may become physically dependent. If the gum is stopped suddenly, they may develop withdrawal symptoms, including irritability, anxiety restlessness impatience and difficulty concentrating. Some of the expert’s advice that when ex-smokers using the gum are ready to discontinue it, they should gradually reduce their dose over a long period rather than stopping abruptly.


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