AIDS stands for Acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is the name of a deadly disease that destroys the immunity system o person and leads him to sure death. The virus causing AIDS is known as HIV—Human immune deficiency Virus. AIDS becomes a clinical disease in 1981 in USA. There are nearly five million AIDS patients throughout the world. It is still an incurable disease. Hectic efforts to find a remedy for it are afoot . without proper blood test , it is difficult to diagnose it because its symptoms are confused with weight loss, night sweets , profound fatigue, anemia ,skin rash , tumor, episodes of fever, pneumonia, etc. This deadly disease is spread like a bush fire throughout the world particular in those countries free sex is common. Many factors contribute to AIDS first one is the result of sexual intercourse with the effected persons male or female. Secondly sharing of contaminated and effected needles, razors and other such instruments cause AIDS. The third one is acquired by receiving effected blood or blood products. Fourthly effected mothers may pass the virus on their babies. Besides prostitution  homo-sexuality , extra-marital relations, pollution of mind, detachment from religion and morality, etc: contribute to AIDS. No doubt , AIDS is the curse of God on the modern derailed humanity that has crossed all limits of morality.
AIDS is full of harm and disadvantages. First of all it destroy the person physically and mentally and ultimately leads him to miserable within two years. Second it bring about the loss of social prestige of person. its patient is considered sinful, immoral, unpious, unfaithful, unwanted, leper, etc. third its treatment costs a lot of money consequently putting a heavy financial burden on the family. Fourth it can destroy the infrastructure of country if its skilled and semi-skilled labor  force falls a prey to AIDS. Fifth AIDS can destroy the culture development, tourism industry and international image and relation o an effected country. The other country may boycott such country resulting in great economic and financial loss to country. Above all the fear of catching AIDS random has deprived the people o mental peace.
Measures to curb AIDS must be taken forthwith. Mass media and intelligentsia should create  general  awareness about it. Arrangements for imparting healthy and sex should be made.  All social evils like prostitution, homo-sexuality, extra-marital sex, etc: should be snubbed. People should avoid enjoying sex other than their life partner. Then used of disposable syringes should be made effective. There should be careful in blood transfusion . besides ,effected person should be treated without losing further time. All the people should go through occasional AIDS test. All precautionary measures to avoid AIDS should be paid due attention. No doubt our sincere return to religion morality and piety can save us from a menace like AIDS because the solution to all our ills lies in religion.


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