Every Culture Has Its Own Special Folk Medicines

A doctor of  Trinidad University says that devil’s claw, an herb with claw-shaped leaves that grows in the Amazon, ends off joint pain. Village healers know how powerful it is, he says. And so do those suffering from rheumatism and arthritis, according to a medical herbalist. Recent studies show the herb reduces pain and inflammation in the joints. But don’t take it if you are pregnant: It may stimulate the uterine muscles during pregnancy.

☼ It gives relieve to cold symptoms:

In southern India a spicy, watery soup is thought to help relieve cold symptoms. A family physician, adds to 5ml of light olive oil, a pinch of mustard seeds, a few curry leaves and lightly sautés with three cloves of minced garlic. Then she adds 5 ml of ground cumin and 5 ml of ground   black pepper, three fresh tomatoes,   blanched and peeled, 500 ml water and a pinch of salt. She brings the mixture to a boil and simmers for five minutes.

Although the tomatoes contain lycopene, a natural antioxidant that protects cells from damage, it is the black pepper is that spice that provides the most relief. Black pepper is thermogenic-creating   heat in the body, which speeds up metabolism and jump-starts the immune system.

For coughs that accompany colds, people use their gardens to help keep them healthy. Ukrainians add garlic to many dishes. Modern research confirms its ability to fight viral infections and strep throat.

Garlic acts a mild antifungal and antibiotic through the release of aromatic chemicals, including allicin, in the body. Raw garlic is the most effective, but it can cause gastrointestinal upset. If so, try garlic supplements.

☼ Remember the honey:

In Zimbabwe golden honey goes into the medicine chest. If any of us had cut that would not heal. The nest remedy was fresh honey. Because honey absorbs the water on skin that bacteria need to grow, it has antibacterial properties. An expert’s advice is to apply honey directly to a minor cut and cover it with gauze. However, only raw unprocessed honey contains the vitamins, wounds to heal.

☼ Ginger reduces stomach:

Trinidadians grow ginger instead of buying antacids. Fresh or dried ginger can be added to food or made into a tea. Add 5 ml ginger to your favorite tea blend. Also recommended for nausea and ulcer pain, ginger reduces stomach irritation and help produce digestive   juices.

Instead of after-dinner mints, many East Indian restaurants serve dainty bowls of fennel seeds. Fennel helps your body digest a spicy meal. To decrease flatulence and case indigestion, drink fennel tea. Nursing mothers in India often drink the tea to help soothe their colicky babies. An expert explains that fennel has the added benefit of stimulating milk production in lactating women.

Laxing herb that affects your nervous system and may decrease your breathing and heart rate, during a period of anxiety. For best result, putting a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow before going to bed.


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