The Best Non-Drug Programs You Will Ever Love

Researchers have been hot on the trial of lifestyle “treatment” that can lower blood pressure without the drug and without taking the pleasure out of life.
The program goes slow and easy because sudden lifestyle changes hurt too much and rarely last. You phase in a few small changes each week, reinforcing or expanding them gradually. By the end of the eight weeks, you will be safeguarding your heart and health in a dozen smart ways.
Week-1.Start taking 15 minutes walks
If you walk at a comfortable pace, you will cover about three quarters of a mile each time. Exercise if number one in the program because it goes hand-in-hand with weight control and a hypertension experts point out, losing excess pounding is the surest non-drug technique for lowering blood pressure.
Drink less
Two alcoholic drinks a day, tops. More than that and you risk boosting your blood pressure.
Drink milk every day
Researchers suggest calcium works not only to keep bones stronger, but may also help lower blood pressure in some people.
Week-2 Increase your walking time
You should cover about a mile and a half. If this pace is a strain, ease off until you get used to it.
Start eating fish
Fresh, or frozen, baked, broiled or poached fish is a great catch. Its saturated fat content it usually low, and some fish score high in omega-3 fatty acids, which seem to have a beneficial effect on risk factors for heart disease.
Switch to low-fat dairy products
If you are drinking whole milk, go to 2 %. If you are drinking 2 % try 1 %. If you are a cheese lover, start enjoying the only low-fat and low-sodium varieties.
Week-3 Stop adding salt
You don’t have to give up dessert. Just don’t equate dessert with high-sugar, high fat goodies. Bananas, oranges, cantaloupe and honeydew are all potassium rich.
Week-4 discover the potato
At least three times a week, have a baked spud or make a potato-based dish. Potatoes are fat-free, loaded with potassium.
Week-5 Pick up the pace
Aim to cover two miles in a half hour if you can do so without strain. You should feel energized by your walks, aches or excessive tiredness are signals to ease up a bit.
Week-6 Move beyond walking
Now is the time to start picking up your work-outs with a little variety, your hedge against exercise boredom and burnout. One or two days a week, skip your walk and swim a few laps at your local pool instead. Or bike around the block.
Say yes to yogurt
Say it three times a week. Plain and simple, yogurt boosts your calcium intake, one low fat cup dishes out 414 mg.
Week-7 Fill up on veggies
Buy them fresh or frozen or look for the reduced-sodium canned variety. Steam or bake or oil! Microwave or stir-fry easy on the oil!
Week-8 Lengthen your walks to 45 minutes a day
Cover two to three each time. Continue to substitute other kinds of workouts once in a while.
Evaluate your overall progress
Now how is your blood pressure? Has your doctor reduced your medication? Are you successfully limiting alcohol and sodium? You may need longer to get some change in place, don’t give up. Continue to consult with your doctor as you work toward lower blood pressure, and better health!


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