Respiratory Illness.Ess

* Body aches
* Muscle pain
* Fever
* Dry cough
* Nasal congestion
*Tiredness to extreme fatigue
* Loss of appetite
* Sleepiness
* Symptoms seem worse at night
The “flu” (influenza) is an infectious viral illness, which enters the human body through the respiratory tract, which includes the nose, the throat and the lungs, unlike the common cold, which starts with a runny nose gradually builds up, the flu is more sudden, and the patient is more sick.
How Passed Around?
The virus is transmitted through the air, when an infected person is coughing, sneezing or talking. This is why we tell people to keep a handkerchief or tissue or their hand in front of their mouth when they cough or sneeze. Less often, flu spreads by touching towels, door knobs, cups and plates.
When Symptoms Appear?
Once you are exposed to a person who has the flu virus, the symptoms begin one to four days after exposure. Also remember, a person is infections as soon as he/she id exposed: so you can pass on the virus before you get the flu symptoms.
A Person Infectious:
The age of the person, general health, and the presence or absence of other diseases determine the period of infectiousness. Generally one is infectious for about 5 to 7 days. Children tend to be infectious for about 10 days.
Now How To Do?
*Get plenty of rest.
*Drink lots of warm liquids.
*Avoid spicy and heavy fried foods.
*Avoid sour drinks.
*Avoid smoking and alcohol.
*Avoid giving aspirin to young children, as taking aspirin during flu can cause brain and respiratory problems called Reye Syndrome. The same applies to teenagers. Paracetamol is a better choice for flu.
•           Decongestants and cough syrups are useful.
•           Steam inhalation and non-aspirin painkillers are useful.
•           Stay away from the every old, the very young and people with debilitating disease, as you are very contagious.
•           Antibiotics have no role in the curing of viruses. They may be useful in secondary bacterial infections only.
The Possible Complications:
Generally, in a healthy adult, the flu lasts 5 to 6 days, with fever, body aches, cough, tiredness and then a slow recovery. Young children and those over 65 years of age and people with chronic illnesses tend to take a turn for the worse. As a result, they can experience severe symptoms and complications that may last from 3 weeks to 3 months. Often people need to be hospitalized. People can even die due to complications from the flu, since it strains the immune system, especially for people with previous lung problems. Complications include:
•           Bacterial pneumonia
•           Dehydration
•           Congestive heart failure
•           Vertigo
•           Asthma and bronchitis
•           Uncontrolled diabetes
•           Convulsions
•           Sinus problems
•           Ear infections
•           Strokes increase with flu
After the disastrous pandemic of flu in 1918 that killed thousands of people, scientists worked very hard and produced the flu Vaccine. The vaccine is a single shot injection called “flurix” that should be given in September or October, to build immunity and protect oneself from the various types of flu from October till March. The vaccine strain changes for every new flu season. It gives 70 to 90 percent protection.
Antiviral Drugs:
Presently there are anti viral drugs available. These are very strong medications with many side effects. That’s why antiviral medications are only given to patients with cancer, AIDS, lung disease etc, under strict medical supervision.
People who cannot take the flu vaccine and are high risk candidates for flu, are usually given anti viral drugs to protect them.
Some Myths:
•           Flu and the common cold are the same illness.
Not true flu virus is influenza virus, it is a more serious illness and causes many people to be hospitalized and some even die. The common cold virus is a Rhino Virus; it is much miler. Rarely does it cause hospitalization or death.
•           Vitamin C prevents flu.
Not true you need a flu vaccine to flu; Vitamin C doses may reduce the symptoms.
•           There is no need to get a flu vaccine every year.
Not true since the flu virus changes its strain, one needs a different vaccine to protect oneself against each new strain of flu.


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