By statistic we came to know that breast cancer affects the lives and health of millions throughout the world. The exact origin of this cancer is still unidentified. The detection of breast cancer now- a- days is entirely different from the past. We hear about it for the first time in 1970. Doctors analyzed it and advice to the sufferers not to conceal it. In those days there was less focusing on treatments and providing the patient healing choices. Nothing was in better position, the treatment as well as the diagnosis.
The second time it appeared in 1990. The doctors who were saying it ‘alright’ change their theories and conclusions and said at this time that we have to end it from occurrence. In 20th Century judgments were made by doctors, and women frequently came to know of their cancer detection after waking up from surgical procedure. A public debate about cancer started.
You sigh with relief when you find nothing during a breast self-exam, because you find a very good report. You feel free from all of the worry with every doctor’s declaration that your breasts are clear of cancer. Then, after a moment you cross your fingers and pray your luck continues. What else can a woman do? We know that monthly breast self-exams, combined with regular physician exams and offer today’s best defense against breast cancer risk.
The majority of women detected with the ailment are over 50, but it can hit women of all ages. Women who haven’t had children before age 30 face a slightly higher breast-cancer risk. That’s probably because, with out a pregnancy to temporarily decrease estrogen level, their hormone production continues uninterrupted for years on end. Similarly, women who begin menstruating very young, or reach menopause very late in life, also have slightly higher breast-cancer rates, perhaps because their bodies are exposed to estrogen longer.
When teamed with state-off the art treatment, these measures can help remove off cancer before it rages out of control. But early detection is just one part of an effective cancer-protection plan. Prevention is the other definitive data on the roles dietary fat, fiber, antioxidants, alcohol and body-fat distribution play in breast cancer before taking action? Many doctors and researchers believe that the evidence to date is compelling enough to support some changes in our dietary habits and lifestyle now.
The estrogen connection
Doctors suggest that if we halved our fat consumption and doubled our fiber intake, we could predict up to 50 percent less breast cancer in this country, fat diets have been linked to breast cancer, as well as cancers of the uterine lining, colon, prostate and pancreas. Most international comparisons show that the countries that consume the most fat have higher breast-cancer rates than countries that eat a very-low-fat diet. Scientists looking at the problem on a biochemical level also have reason to believe that fat plays a role in breast cancer.
One thing we know about breast cancer is that natural estrogens-not the kind that come from birth-control pills or estrogen-replacement therapy, but which are produced naturally in the body are related to breast-cancer risk. Women who haven’t had children before age 30 face a slightly higher breast-cancer risk. That’s probably because, without a pregnancy to temporarily finish off estrogen level, their hormone production continues uninterrupted for years on end. Similarly, women who begin menstruating very young, or reach menopause very late in life, also have slightly higher breast-cancer rates, perhaps because their bodies are exposed to estrogen longer.
The encouraging news is that, in tests with 80 women over the past five years, Researchers have found that reducing fats and increasing fiber in the diet causes estrogen levels in the blood to fall. Fat intake also appears to affect the relative concentrations of estrogen produced in the body. By putting 65 postmenopausal women, who had been eating a typical diet on a low-fat diet in study initiated by the National Cancer Institute, found estrogens in the blood decreased within a few weeks and the levels of blood estradiol, a very active form of estrogen in the body, fell 17 percent.
The same researchers also conducted animal experiments to test fiber’s protective power. After exposing animals to a cancer-causing chemical, they found that adding wheat bran to a high-fat caused a “highly significant” reduction in breast cancers, compared with animal fed a high-fat, low-fiber diet. The results of these studies suggest that dietary fiber may reduce breast cancer risk by reducing estrogen levels, the researchers conclude.
In similar studies with small groups of women, researchers were amazed at the potency of a high-fiber diet. They surprised to find that a high-fiber diet plays a more important role than a low-fat diet in reducing estrogen. This is a latest observation. Fiber may bind to the estrogen and carry it from the colon out of the body, in the feces.
The big questions that remain are which fibers and how much, the safest bet right now is to choose from a wide variety of fiber sources, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables. The day comes, when better ideas can be made about the amount and type of fiber people should consume.
Fruits and vegetables are, of course, loaded with fiber. They’re also a source of a very special family called antioxidants, which may prove to be our secret weapon against breast cancer. A growing number of studies link fruit and vegetable intake or intake of the associated antioxidants beta-carotene and vitamin C with reduced breast-cancer rates. Up until now breast-cancer debates have focused on fat, more people are going to start considering fruits and vegetables for preventing breast cancer.
The scientist found that breast cancer patients consumed less nutrient-packed foods like tomato juice, vegetable juice, tomatoes, corn, strawberries, apples, grape-fruit, lemons and limes. Translating foods into nutrients, the cancer patients consumed less fiber and foliate as well as less vitamins E and C. It’s possible that it’s the antioxidants that really work and may reduce the risk of breast cancer; the antioxidants trap free radicals, wayward molecules that would otherwise cause many kinds of damage in the body, including damage to DNA molecules.
The researchers found, consumption of vitamin A was related to reduce breast-cancer risk. High vitamin E in take was also associated with low risk, while these results are interesting, they’re not definitive, and the women who are diets high in antioxidants might also have had other healthy dietary or lifestyle habits. We will provide reliable information in the future as to whether these micro-nutrients really prevent cancer or whether they’re merely a marker for some other dietary or lifestyle factor.
Research suggests that increased consumption of these vegetables including broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower and kale is associated with lower rates for a variety of cancers. The good news is that each year takes us nearer to a cure. Breast cancer treatment has enhanced radically in the past 5 to 10 years.
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