I hate the idea of applying a shower gel designed for breakouts. They can dry the rest of your skin. It also means that you are using plenty of chemicals that you don’t need.
I have come across quite a few men that suffer from breakouts on their back. In my experience this tends to be diet related. One of the worst culprits are protein shakes (for men who are trying to build muscle). The body reacts to excesses of any food. The skin often breaks out when the body is trying to get rid of these excesses. In these cases you will often see boils and blind pimples that are coming from inside the body rather then a blocked pore.
If you regularly suffer from large, painful boils or acne or your back it could be down to a reaction to your skin care products. If in doubt, try organic products for a month and see if there is a difference. Many of our shower gels, shampoos and creams contain known skin irritants (used by manufacturers because they are cheap).
Here is a gentle scrub designed for your back and chest.
All you need:
- 1 handful Oatmeal
- 1 handful ground almonds
- 2 Drops Lemon Essential Oil
- 2 Drops Thyme linalol Oil
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