Necessary Vitamins for Hair - Vitamins to Prevent Hair Fall, Best Supplements for Hair

With increasing competition levels in almost every sector today, life has become so busy and stressful that people are largely failing to focus on their health. As a result, more and more people all over the world are helplessly falling prey to different diseases and ailments. The most common problem that people complain of today is hair loss.
Losing hair can be traumatizing for both men and women, especially in women as hair are the most essential beauty components for them. Unhealthy hair can strongly affect one’s confidence levels and overall personality.
Many studies on hair loss have found that genetics is one of the major causes of hair loss. Apart from genetics many other things play an important role in hair loss like- lifestyle, prescribed medicines for other diseases, hormonal changes, food habits and lots more. In majority of the hair loss cases, deficiency of hair vitamins has found to be a common factor. The unhealthy food habit is the common culprit behind majority of hair loss problems. Our hair needs certain vitamins which are responsible for hair growth and health, just like our body need vitamins to maintain proper body functioning. Having right knowledge about the necessary hair vitamins can greatly prevent hair loss problems. So, read more to find out the essential vitamins for hair growth and health.
Essential Vitamins for Hair:
Vitamin-A for Hair: Vit-A helps to maintain healthy skin all over the body including the scalp. Due to its anti-oxidizing properties, sebum is produced on the scalp which prevents the hair from drying out.
Important Sources of Vitamin-A: Dark Green Leafy Vegetables, Carrots, Liver, Milk and Yellow Fruits.
Vitamin-C for Hair: Vitamin C improves scalp circulation and is useful in treating dandruff and thereby preventing hair loss caused by dandruff. It also prevents dryness, brittle hair and premature graying of hair. The antioxidant property of Vitamin-C also helps to neutralize the free radicals in the body.
Important Sources of Vitamin-C: Lemon, Citrus Fruits, Tomatoes, Strawberries and Kiwi.
Vitamin-E (Biotin) for Hair: Vitamin-E can grow new capillaries and thereby improve scalp circulation. This increased scalp circulation helps in hair growth and prevents brittle, fragile hair.
Important Sources of Vitamin-E: Brewer’s yeast, rice, egg yolks, liver, milk and whole grains.
Niacin for Hair: It improves blood flow to the skin and scalp. Niacin when combined with biotin shows better result to prevent hair loss.
Important Sources of Niacin: Chicken, fish, turkey and Brewer’s yeast.
Vitamin B6 for Hair: Vit-B6 creates melanin which is vital for hair color and preventing premature graying and hair loss.
Important Sources of Vitamin-B6: egg yolk, liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, Brewer’s yeast and organ meats.
Vitamin-D for Hair: Vitamin-D is necessary in the body to absorb calcium from food source which is essential component for health hair follicles.
Important Sources of Vitamin-D: Early morning sunlight, tuna, mackerel, salmon, milk, egg, liver, etc.
Vitamin B-12 for Hair: It is one of the most essential vitamins for hair and have a big role in preventing premature graying and hair loss problem. Adequate vitamin-c and iron improves the absorption of vitamin-B12.
Important Sources of Vitamin-B12: Chicken, fish, eggs and milk.
Apart from this, other essential nutrients vital for preventing hair loss are:
Zinc for Hair: Zinc is necessary vitamin for hair as it produces healthy sebum that prevents hair from drying. Apart from this zinc helps in protein synthesis and cell regeneration.
Important Sources of Zinc: Oysters, toasted wheat germ, beef roasted, dried water melon seeds, roasted pumpkin and squash seeds and cocoa powder.
Iron for Hair: Deficiency of iron can cause increase in hair loss no matter what is the actual cause of the hair fall.
Important Sources of Iron: Banana, apple, shellfish, cold cereals and oysters.


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