Top 7 Yoga Poses for Better Sleep – Yoga Postures for Curing Insomnia, Yoga for Sleep

It is true that a good night sleep work wonders for your body as it takes away all the anxiety, tension and stress that you face in your daily life. Take away those 7-9 hours of sleep and you will find that you are unable to carry out your day-to-day tasks properly due to inability to concentrate and reduced energy levels.
Stress often affects the normal sleeping cycle in humans. It is natural if you have difficulties in falling asleep for a night or so because of increased stress levels. However, if the problem persists for days together or months, then you might be suffering from a case of chronic insomnia which might be affect your health negatively. Studies have found that to help relax your mind and body, yoga postures and deep breathing exercises are very helpful. Restorative yoga, in particular, can help to improve the quality of sleep as it stimulates a deep sense of relaxation of the mind and body. Follow the below mentioned yoga postures and techniques to alleviate your anxiety levels and sleep better.
Yoga Postures for Curing Insomnia:
Corpse Posture: This form of yoga posture is also known as Savasana. For this posture, all you need to do is lie down on the ground or bed in a supine position with the hands and feet splayed outwards and the palm facing up. Now, close your eyes and allow the complete relaxation of your body. You can facilitate your body relaxation by slowly practicing deep breathing techniques and allowing your mind to drift from the top of your head to the tip of your feet. The technique can be practiced for a minimum of 10-15 minutes daily before preparing for sleeping.
Happy Baby Posture: This is an important sleep-inducing yoga posture that helps to release the stress from the lower back. The yoga pose is done by lying flat on one’s back and then with an exhale, bending the knees towards the belly. Now, as you inhale, slowly grip your feet on the outside with your hands and then open your knees and move them closer towards your armpits. While performing this, ensure that your ankles are positioned slightly above your knees so that your shin is perpendicular to the floor. With your heels flexed, move your feet against your hands which offers resistance to the movement. Hold the position for 20-25 seconds and then release.
Viparita Karani Posture: This is another yoga posture that helps to induce sleep in people with insomnia. Start by lying flat on your back in a supine position and then gently extend your leg up on a wall. While performing this, ensure that you have enough hip support by folding a thick blanket or cloth of about six inch thick under your hip. The posture, which is also known as the Legs-up-the-walls pose, is a restorative yoga posture which soothes the mind and calms the nerves of an individual. Now, with your eyes closed and your palms facing upwards, slowly extend your heels up towards the ceiling.
Bound Half Wheel Posture: This yoga posture is also known as the Bada Setu Bandha Sarvangasana or the Bound Bridge posture. Besides inducing sleep by stretching by back, neck and shoulder muscles but also enhances the flexibility of your spine. The posture also has a very calming effect on your mind as you can feel your lungs expand and contract with each breathe. With your back to the floor, slowly lift your hips from the floor by pressing your feet and supporting your ankles by your hands.
Cobra Posture: The Cobra posture, also known as Bhujangasana is another effective sleep-inducing technique. The posture has a soothing effect on your whole body while gently stretching your shoulders; neck, chest and abs. Start from a prone position with your stomach on the floor. Now, with your hips and legs on the floor, slowly start walking your hands in such that your torso lifts off from the ground. While your lift your torso, slowly stretch your head towards the back and hold this position for a total of five breaths and then relax.
Standing Forward Bend Posture: This posture, also known as Uttanasana, is a great stress reliever as it provides relaxation of the mind. Apart from this, the posture also facilitates extension of your legs and spine thereby releasing your hamstrings. Start by placing your hands on your hip while standing in front of your bed. Take a deep breath in and while exhaling, move your body forwards so that your head rests on the bed. In case of initial stiffness, you can support your body by placing a pillow on your bed. Now, take a deep breath again and gently lift your kneecaps up. Maintain this posture for a few counts and then relax.
Extended Puppy Posture: Start with a child’s pose by sitting on your heels, placing your chest over your thighs and your forehead on the floor. Now, move your hands and chest away from your feet so your hips are over your knees. Hold this posture for around five breaths and then relax.


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