How to Get Rid Of Male Breast - Tips To Get Rid Of Male Breasts

No one appreciates large breasts in men. Large breast and pronounced nipples are the most common cause of embarrassment and low esteem level in many men. Male breasts can develop in any age group starting from infants till old age.
They develop either due to a condition termed as gynecomastia where hormonal imbalance takes place in the body, or due to Pseudogynostemia, where male breast appears due to increase in fat gain that disturbs the male hormonal structure. Breast tissues are mainly stimulated by hormone estrogen produced by the breast tissues. In some cases, male breast develops due to the combination of the factors, i.e, gynecomastia and Pseudogynostemia. Read on to find tips about ways to get rid of breasts in males.
Tips To Get Rid Of Male Breast
  • In infants gynecomastia occurs due to the passage of female hormones to the infant through breast milk. The condition lasts for few days to few weeks and rarely last for maximum of two years and then automatically get resolved. If the condition persists after the duration is over, it is advisable to talk to a pediatrician for necessary advice.
  • In teenager male, gynecomastia occurs due to hormonal changes of puberty and it disappears after a couple of months as in infants. But in adult’s gynecomastia usually doesn’t resolve naturally and can occur due to several factors like, hormone imbalances, certain types of prescription medications, steroid use, and smoking marijuana. In such cases either breast reduction plastic surgery or liposuction technique or the combination of both may be required to get rid of the male breast.
  • But in case of male breast due to increase in fat (Pseudogynostemia), the only way to get rid of it is a combination of aerobic exercise, weight training and a balance diet.
  • Aerobic exercises like brisk walking, jogging, and bicycling will burn lot of fat and help to reduce the body weight. Start with low intensity aerobic exercise like taking a short walk on a garden, playing with kids, taking stairs and not elevator, etc  and then increase the intensity of exercise over the following few weeks as the exercise feels easier.
  • Anaerobic exercises like weight lifting, sprinting and jumping, etc helps to improve body tone and shape and also helps to gain lean muscle mass and thus burns more calories. Putting more focus on chest muscle by performing exercises like push-ups, chest press, dumbbell press, and the peckfly, etc will reduce fats and increase the muscle tone around the chest region.
  • Consumption of a balance diet is the most important factor in controlling weight and to maintain the overall fitness level. Consuming low calorie, high protein diet and lots of fruits and fresh green vegetables is always recommended to maintain good health.
By consuming a balance diet and making aerobic and anaerobic exercise a part of our daily routine we can significantly improve our overall health and get rid of unwanted male breasts at the same time.


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