The beauty by unnatural things like makeup and accessories can’t be matched with the natural beauty. We are 15 or 50 we should look young, fresh and healthy. To reach up to this goal, you are no need to collect
heavy cosmetics from the stores and going to your beautician frequently. The dark skin produces a strain and stress on your mind; you feel miserable and waste hours in front of mirror and apply various creams to improve your complexion. Face the factuality and remember that skin could be damage from so many causes, here are some:
1- The long staying in cool air conditioning dries the moisture of the skin and makes it lifeless, rough and unattractive. Your skin is very sensitive, so it demands your special attention, care, love and affection. If your skin is normal then it is remarkable, congratulation you are lucky! Take knowledge about your skin type, then come to know that how could you manage it perfectly.
2- The penetrating sun rays are always troublesome for you, because it darken your skin and cause tanning.
3- Environment plays a major roll for your body and health, causes in-numerable drawbacks to your soft and shiny skin. Particularly it makes your skin uneven and patchy. Here are some tips for you to follow, and then you could manage it healthy and natural.
Wash your face
There are so many factors which give harm to your skin, all the day long air conditioning, environment and dehydration. Drink at least 10 glass of water daily that will make you fresh. Also wash your face for so many times in a day. You are no need to use any soap. Enormous use of soap causes a chemical reaction. Face wash will keep your face dirt-free and make your skin fresh, soft and shining.
Take balance diet
Make a balance diet chart, include fruits, vegetables and liquid diets in your eating program. Fried and fast food along with cola-drinks make your skin oily, which causes acne and pimple. Clean you from inside; your water intake should be proper. Follow the doctor’s prescription and take 10 glasses of water daily. Avoid delicious foods, candies, pizza, French fries and burgers. Chocolate give a good effect to your lever, so don’t turn your face from it, keeping it in mind that excess of everything is bad.
Citrus food
Citrus is a super food for healthy skin. The healing property of oranges is attributed to a wide array of function as antioxidants and vitamin-C. These antioxidant nutrients help protect from alter the chemical structure of the cells. When free radicals damage enough cells, especially in the skin, sign of aging appear soon. Citrus helps of repairing and delaying this process of aging.
Do exercise
Daily exercise of half an hour will make you fresh and light; all the poisonous elements will come out through respiration. Don’t do heavy exercise, because you are not going to become ‘Miss Karachi’ for this year. Do swimming, running, jogging and your body warm. The best way to maintain your figure is walking. Brisk waking will do well.
Be careful with sun rays
Exposure to the sun for long time causes a sever damage to your lovely skin. Even In winter if you are taking a sun bath and enjoying yourself take a sun-glass on your eyes and have a broad rimmed hat. Before going outside your house purposely, apply lotions on your face and hands. Suit a light lotion, which may absorb in your skin rapidly. Remember that enormous sunrays cause premature wrinkles and make it dull. The ultra violet causes a heavy damage.
No makeup all the time
The cells of your body take fresh air and become alive and in proper working order. All the time makeup closed the cells and cause dryness, rashes, and fades your color. Avoid heavy chemical lotions.
Get freshness
The dehydration and all the day long air-conditioning makes your skin dry and rough, so keep a cream in your office drawer and car, apply it on your face for so many times to make it fresh.
Say ‘NO’ to addiction
Drinking or smoking causes a bad effect on your skin. The blotches and wrinkles (before maturity) appear on your face. Remember drinkers have always dull complexions and face innumerable problems. So leave these nasty habits.
Upside down
If you hang your face upside down, the blood will rush to your face and give you immortal shining and glittering. Washing your face with chilled water gives the same result.
Feet care
Hand care
The cracking and roughness comes in cold weather on your body, especially on your hands. Use any cream or moisturizer and wear gloves when you go outside.
Eye care
(a) Office bearer read and writes all the time, causing their eyes tired. Use a suitable drop in your eyes before bed that will ease your eyes.
(b) The antioxidants in citrus fruit neutralize the damage to retina caused by free radicals and high dose of vitamin E and C work together to help prevent cataracts in high risk groups.
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