Fed Up With the Drive? 3 Ways to Curb Commuting Stress

How to make your trek to and from work less loathsome? Here are a few tips to staying sane.
Research has found that long commutes can lead to a host of negative health outcomes, such as high stress, poor sleep, being overweight, and even a shorter life, Huffington Post reports.

A 2011 study found that couples in which one partner commutes for at least 45 minutes each day have a 40 percent higher chance of divorce. 

So how to curb that commuter stress? Here are a few pointers. 

1. Be mindful - "The simple answer is to just relax," New York City-based meditation teacher (and Emmy Award-winning composer) David Nichtern told fitness blog Well+Good NYC. "Relax your attitude and energy and don't fight how things are." Part of being mindful is unplugging from your phone and gadgets, which can raise stress levels, and taking some tech-free time to meditate and reflect, Huffington Post writes. 

2. Put your commute back in your control - Dr. Frank Ghinassi, associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh, told Huffington Post that you can reduce anxiety by reminding yourself that the length of your trip is the product of your own decisions about where you live and work, and what options you take for traveling back and forth. Think about other options, such as telecommuting a few days a week, riding a bike to work, or carpooling with a friend.
3. Enjoy the "Mozart effect" - Tuning into classical music could help you stay relaxed and focused, as least according to a Populus survey of 2,000 drivers that found those who listen to rock are more inclined to experience road rage.


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