Daily Foot Care Tips - Foot Care at Home, Foot Care Techniques

Daily foot care is vital to lead an active and healthy life as it not only helps to look and feel good but also prevents various foot and nail problems which occurs due to the stresses of a contemporary lifestyle. Very often, healthy feet depict the overall health of an individual. From ingrown nails to calluses and cracks; different foot problems arises as a result of improper foot care. However, fortunately, most of these foot conditions and ailments can be prevented by following certain basic tips for foot care at home. This includes some very natural foot care tips that can be followed on a daily basis like regularly moisturizing the feet and wearing comfortable shoes. Read on and find some easy-to-follow foot care techniques for taking good care of your feet.

Foot Care Techniques
Regular Foot Hygiene: Wash your feet every day in lukewarm water and gently scrub your heels and in between the toes. Using lukewarm water not only assists to clean the grime and dirt but also helps in easing the tiredness. After cleaning, rinse your feet thoroughly especially in between the toes to remove the soap and dry using a soft towel.
Complete Foot Inspection: Check your feet regularly for any color changes or usual alterations in the texture and temperature of your skin. A close inspection of your feet will reveal the development of any calluses, cracks or scaling thereby enabling you to take better care at home. However, in case of any pain or discoloration, be sure to consult a podiatrist for proper foot care.
For Excessive Sweating: For those who sweat more during the summer season, use foot powder which helps to soak up the excess moisture. Moreover, avoid shoes made of synthetic materials and opt more for leather or canvas shoes. Consult a podiatrist if the problem persists.
Toenails and Cuticle Care: Taking care of your toenails and cuticles is as important as taking care of your feet. A basic pedicure should generally comprise clipping the fingernails and pushing back the cuticles. However, do not trim the nails too short and ensure that you do not cut on the sides as this might lead to ingrown nails which can be painful. Additionally, avoid applying acrylic on the nails as much as possible as it suffocates them and prevents them from breathing. This, in turn, might lead to a host of nail problems.
Moisturize: In order to hydrate the skin on your feet, apply regular moisturizer and massage each night before going to bed and after taking a bath. However, avoid moisturizing the area in between the toes. Select a foot care product that best compliments your skin and hydrates it adequately.
Footwear: Wear clean shoes and socks everyday and avoid wearing anything that is either too tight or too short. Shoes should allow comfortable breathing space enabling you to perform your various tasks easily. Moreover, while wearing sandals and open shoes ensure that you apply adequate sun lotions to all the exposed parts of the feet.


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