Rowing Machine Benefits – Health Benefits of Rowing Machine, Benefits of a Rowing Machine

Rowing is a great way to improve physical fitness and conditioning and have often been championed by fitness experts to enhance the overall stamina of an individual. Although, the term rowing is regarded as synonymous with outdoor rowing on the water, often due to time and location constraints people are unable to indulge in this popular recreational sport.
However, the good news is that today, one can also enjoy the many health benefits of rowing with the help of the stationary rowing machine. Just like rowing in a boat, the stationary rowing machine conditions and tones the muscles in the body and also improves an individual’s cardiac functions. In fact, indoor rowing has become so popular today that it has become established as a competitive sport in its own right. Such rowing machines are especially effective as one can indulge in the sport irrespective of one’s starting fitness level and age. Read on to know more about the health benefits of rowing machine or the benefits of a rowing machine.
Benefits of a Rowing Machine:
Cardio-Vascular Training: Rowing machines are regarded as one of the best ways to improve one’s heart functions as it provides a non-impact cardio-vascular workout. Hence, they are often preferred in gyms as compared to high-impact aerobic training and low-impact stationary bikes and elliptical trainers. With this form of moderate-intensity training, one can easily raise their heart rate at low resistance levels and thereby maintain an aerobic state which is very beneficial for their heart and circulatory functions.
Muscle Workout and Toning: With the help of stationary rowing machines, people can easily train and strengthen their entire body musculature. Unlike most other forms of exercise, rowing improves the strength of all the major muscle groups in the body evenly from your upper body muscles, trunk and back muscles. With each stroke, all the muscle groups are engaged uniformly resulting in the strengthening and tightening of the muscles. You can additionally build your muscles by increasing the resistance of the machines.
Calorie-Burning Exercise: In addition to the strength and endurance training, rowing machines provide the best calorie-burning workout. Although rowing in itself doesn’t lead to much weight reduction, coupled with an ergometer, the machine can be an excellent tool to shed unwanted weight.
Relaxation: Rowing can be a great way to calm your body and reduce your stress levels. This is because the non-impact cardio workout by rowing machines stimulates the pleasure centers in your brain causing the release of endorphins in the body which reduces strain. Hence, working with a rowing machine is a great stress buster for people of all age groups. Additionally, a person also finds better sleep as the physical exertion after the training assists to calm the body at night.
Thus, with this perfect combination of strength and endurance training, rowing machines improves the overall health of an individual and helps to attain a healthy posture.


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