I am sure every one of you wants to have long and curly eyelashes, as they are not only a sign of beauty but they also make you eyes look bigger attractive and beautiful. Unfortunately not all of us are blessed with inherent long and curly eyelashes. People who naturally have them are lucky, but in-case you don’t have them not to worry.
After all we live in a world where cosmetics can do wonders. If we don’t have naturally long eyelashes we can always create an illusion of them with the help of makeup. So, in today’s beauty article we will tell you how to use an eyelash curler properly.Though makeup can do wonders, but the key point here is that you should know the right way of applying it. Similarly if you want too curl your eyelashes you need to know the way of How to use an eyelash curler properly. Following are the tips for How to use an eyelash curler properly.
- Use a makeup removal product to remove all traces of makeup from your lashes and eyes.
- Use an eyelash curler with a heating feature. If you only have a plain curler, heat it up with the help of a blow-dryer. The tool should be warm, but not hot.
- Place the rubbery part at the base of the lashes.
- Press and hold for anywhere between 10 to 30 seconds. The longer you hold, the bigger the bend will be, just do not press too hard or hold for too long.
- Never pull on the eyelash curler before you have freed your lashes from its grip or you will pull them out.
- Many people are of the opinion that it is better to apply mascara before curling the lashes for a stronger effect. However this is not a good idea. This facilitates the crumbing of mascara and makes the lashes stick together.
- Give your lashes a few moments to cool down and then you can apply mascara.
And you have curly eyelashes !!
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