Infected individuals suffer from a range of symptoms from mild headache to fever and even encephalitis and meningitis. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has reported that currently, the US is witnessing one of the largest West Nile virus outbreaks ever seen in the country. In fact, the disease has reportedly established itself as a seasonal epidemic in North America starting in summer and continuing till fall. As per a CDC briefing transcript, a total of 47 states in the region have reported infections in humans and birds as of August 21, 2012. Among these states, a total of 38 regions affecting around 1,118 people and causing 41 deaths have been reported. This is alarming as it is the highest number of cases reported till date. Find out what causes the condition, its symptoms and how to treat it.
What is West Nile Virus
The West Nile virus is a mosquito borne illness caused by a flavivirus that mainly originated from Africa. The virus is known to affect humans as well as other species including birds, bats, cats and dogs.
West Nile Virus Symptoms
Overall, the symptoms of West Nile Virus can be divided into three types: asymptomatic, mild symptoms and severe fatal symptoms.
Asymptomatic: In most of the cases (around 80 percent), infection with the virus doesn’t produce any symptoms. In fact, out of every 10 cases, nine cases will be asymptomatic.
Mild Symptoms: This second outcome of West Nile Virus infection is a febrile stage manifesting as mild fever, headaches, body aches, weakness, chills, excessive sweating and nausea. In certain cases, affected person may also experience vomiting, skin rashes and loss of appetite. This stage can be managed easily within eight to ten days although fatigue may persist for some time.
Severe Fatal Symptoms: Only in certain cases, the virus infection may cause serious symptoms like very high fever, neck stiffness, convulsions, stupor, vision loss, paralysis and even coma. These symptoms may take weeks to resolve and sometimes, the neurological effects may even be permanent.
Treatment of West Nile Virus
Treatment is mainly symptomatic as there are no specific treatments for WNV infection, the CDC mentions. Mild symptoms can be easily managed with medications along with a good nutritive plan. However, severe conditions may require hospitalization as the patients may require supportive care like IV fluids and supportive breathing care.
Apart from treatment, researchers mainly focus on preventive measures like using mosquito repellants to prevent mosquito bites, draining any standing water in and around your house and using nets while sleeping.
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