Five easy home remedies to treat sinus problems

Suffering from sinus irritation is miserable, but, you can’t avoid the pain if your mucous membranes that line the sinuses get inflamed. Although sinus problems are common in children, it can affect all age groups. Here are a few home tips on how to reduce common sinus problems:

Indulge on pungent foods like onion and garlic in your daily diet. Garlic has anti bacterial and anti fungal properties, and therefore, it is very helpful in treating sinus infection. 

Drink plenty of fluids, which will help thin out mucus and deplete your sinuses. However, alcohol beverages should be avoided at it can worsen the infection only.

For a quick relief, dilute some few drops of eucalyptus oil with warm water and apply it to the cheek bones.

Lemon balm, which is effective in fights against sinusitis causing germs, bacteria and fungus, is a good option in treating sinus. To reduce the infection, you can boil some dried lemon balm leaves for about ten minutes. Sieve the mixture and use it as a gargle.

Vapour therapy, which is very simple and effective as well, is one of the most common treatments for sinusitis. Boil some water in a kettle until it steams. Pour it into a cup or a bowl. Cover your face and head with a tower and inhale and exhale its vapour through your nose.

Apart from the above methods, you should maintain a well-balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle to keep your immune system strong and reduce the chances of getting sinus. You should also avoid dust, pollen and cold foods. Also, if you are suffering from sinusitis, smoking should be strictly avoided.

Compiled by: Salome Phelamei


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