Every activity you do burns calories. The more calories you burn, the faster your body uses up incoming fuel (food) intake. If your requirements exceed the calories provided by incoming fuel, the body dips into its reserves (fat) to supply the energy you need. By lowering your calorie intake and increasing your activity, you are able to lose weight. Men burn calories faster than women. Heavier people burn calories faster than thin people. Exactly how many calories are expended by any individual will vary.
The following chart gives the approximate number of calories burned per minute of a variety of activities.
For each activity, multiply your exact weight by the number in the per pound column to equal the number of calories burned per minute. Multiply this number by the number of minutes in that activity to equal total calories burned.
Calories burned per pound per minute (badminton - .044) x (times) your exact weight (140 pounds) = (equals) total calories burned per minute (6.16 calories burned per minute) x (times) minutes of activity (30 minutes) =(equals) 184.80 total calories burned per activity
Activity (alphabetical)
| Calories burned per pound per minute | Your exact weight in pounds | Total calories burned per minute | Minutes of activity | Total calories burned |
| .044 | | | | |
| .063 | | | | |
Bicycling (5.5 mph)
| .029 | | | | |
Bicycling (9.5 mph)
| .045 | | | | |
Climbing hills (no load)
| .055 | | | | |
Climbing hills (with 9 lb. load)
| .058 | | | | |
Climbing hills (with 22 lb. load)
| .064 | | | | |
| .022 | | | | |
Dancing, ballroom
| .023 | | | | |
Dance, Aerobic, medium
| .046 | | | | |
Dance, Aerobic, intense
| .061 | | | | |
| .038 | | | | |
Grocery shopping
| .028 | | | | |
Jumping Rope (70 jumps per minute)
| .074 | | | | |
Jumping Rope (125 jumps per minute)
| .080 | | | | |
Jumping Rope (145 jumps per minute)
| .089 | | | | |
Mowing the lawn
| .051 | | | | |
| .081 | | | | |
Raking leaves
| .025 | | | | |
Running (6-minute mile)
| .115 | | | | |
Running (8-minute mile)
| .095 | | | | |
Running (9-minute mile)
| .087 | | | | |
Sitting Still
| .009 | | | | |
Skiing, cross-country, walking
| .065 | | | | |
Skiing, cross-country, uphill
| .125 | | | | |
Snowshoeing, soft snow
| .075 | | | | |
| .096 | | | | |
Swimming, crawl, slow
| .058 | | | | |
Swimming, crawl, fast
| .071 | | | | |
Swimming, breast stroke, fast
| .074 | | | | |
Table tennis
| .031 | | | | |
Walking, normal pace, asphalt road
| .036 | | | | |
Walking, normal pace, fields & hills
| .037 | | | | |
| .033 | | | | |
Weight training, free weights
| .039 | | | | |
Weight training, circuit training
| .042 | | | | |
| | | | |
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